SARM 8.6 released

Version 8.6 of the SARM spreadsheet has now been released. It contains the following changes:

  • Introduction of a new ‘Hybrid’ approach to benefit allocation. This blends the ‘Derived’ and ‘Assigned’ approaches, allowing you to assign a benefit amount to some scenarios while leaving the system to allocate the balance to the remaining scenarios using the same weighted method applied in the ‘Derived’ approach.
  • The Solution – Scenario Risks worksheet now contains the Characteristic and Sub-characteristic associated with each Scenario as well as an index number. The index number was found to be useful when exporting this data (for example, to create a simple scoring sheet for evaluators) as it facilitates reconciliation between those sheets and the original list of scenarios.
  • A formula error in the ‘Overall Average’ column of the Stakeholder Views worksheet was corrected.