ISO/IEC 25010:2023 is now available. The previous version of the standard contained a “Quality in Use” model as well as a “Product Quality Model”. These have now been split into two licensable standards: the Product Quality model is ISO/IEC 25010:2023, the Quality in Use model is in the new standard: ISO/IEC 25019:2023. It is the Product Quality Model that many SARM users have adopted as their quality model.
The most significant change is that there are now 9 Quality Characteristics in the model, with Safety being the new addition. There has been some renaming of other top level characteristics, and minor changes among the sub-characteristics. For example, Usability is now Interaction Capability. Portability is now Flexibility.
The addition of a 9th characteristic is significant for SARM, as current versions of the spreadsheet tool cater for a quality model consisting of up to 8 characteristics (and up to 25 sub-characteristics per characteristic). There are no plans to extend older versions of SARM to cater for more characteristics. However, the forthcoming “New SARM” will cater for up to 10 characteristics, and so will comfortably cope with the new ISO 25010 prouct quality model. Click here to read more about the improvements being introduced in New SARM.